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"Underlay Cheat Sheet" Sticker for OP-Z  (OP-Z Skins)

"Underlay Cheat Sheet" Sticker for OP-Z (OP-Z Skins)


Interested in more than one? All our OP-Z products can be purchased in bundles for significant discounts!

About The Design: 

This overlay contains a graphical cheat sheet for many of the OP-Z parameters, including:

  • Multiple-button press 'hold' functions for the Project, Tempo, Record, Mixer, Shift, and Track buttons.  For these, the first button pressed is indicated with a red outline folllowed by a plus symbol.  For example, the functions associated with the Project button are shown in the upper-left orange-colored area with a "P+" in the corner.
  • Table showing the step components and their numerical settings
  • List of Punch-In FX, along with the musical keys that trigger them
  • Parameter Dial controls for the various tracks and hold buttons
  • LFO targets and shapes

This cheat-sheet is not meant to be a replacement for the online user manual provided by Teenage Engineering.  Rather, once the manual has been read, this product is intended to be a reminder for the most comon functions of the OP-Z.

Please note that this cheat-sheet is focused on the audio production capabiliteis of the OP-Z and does not contain references to the following features:

  • Module Track
  • Lights Track
  • Motion Track
  • MIDI functionality

This design uses small font sizes in order to include as much information as possible in the limited space on the OP-Z's bottom panel.  The high resolution printing process we use improves readability significantly, however the text may still be difficult to read for some people.  Some users may wish to use a magnifying glass or reading glasses in order to make full use of this product.

About The Physical Overlay: This product is an adhesive-backed overlay for botom side of the Teenage Engineering OP-Z synthesizer. The image is printed using a high-quality commercial printing process to provide the best resolution and color saturation. A glossy topcoat lamination is applied in order to improve contrast and provide physical protection for the printed image. Holes have been cut for all featurs on the bottoms size of the OP-Z. When properly installed the overlay will not interfere with any of the OP-Z's functions (see installation instructions below for details).The overlay's adhesive is perfect for securely gripping the OP-Z's polyacrylamide & glass fiber composite surface, yet it can also be removed with reasonable ease (we remove and replace them often for photography and during product development). The sticker has been cut to fit slightly inset from the border of the OP-Z's botom panel, and with gently rounded corners to help prevent catching and peeling of the edges over time, thereby increasing its longevity.Manufacturing & Shipping Info: Our products are manufactured in small batches based on customer demand. This product is made in the USA and ships from Portland, Oregon, USA.

Installation And Removal Instructions:

Installation for this "Underlay" bottom-side overlay is essentially the same as the installation for the top-side overlay products for the OP-Z.  Watch the installation video for the top-side overlays here:

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while installing the "Underlay" overlay sticker.

  • If your OP-Z is excessively dirty, you may want to clean it with an isopropyl alcohol wipe before installing the overlay. You may also want to wash your hands with soap and water before installing the overlay to prevent getting oils or debris on the adhesive.
  • To minimize the risk of delamination, peel the backing away from the sticker rather than curling the sticker excessively (this is demonstrated in the instruction video). Once the sticker has been removed from its backing, inspect the front and back to make sure that there are no small unwanted pieces attached.  Use a toothpick to remove any excess pieces, especially around the small holes.
  • The sticker can be removed for repositioning. If this is necessary, carefully slide a thin craft blade (such as X-Acto knife) between the sticker and the synthesizer (making sure not to separate the lamination from the sticker) and gently lift until you have enough space to grab with your fingers. Then use your fingers to peel off the rest of the sticker being careful not to curl the sticker excessively. The blade should not scratch the dial plastic if you are gentle.  We do not recommend using your fingernail or other blunt object to start the peel since this is likely to cause a crinkle in the sticker. When removing the sticker, we recommend keeping the bend to below 90-degrees since extreme bending may cause the lamination to separate from the printed image. Any adhesive residue left on your OP-Z after removing the overlay should be easy to clean by rubbing it with fingers or with a soft rag and a small amount of Gamsol.


  • Unfortunately, we cannot offer any guarantees against possible damages to your OP-Z by using this product.  However, while developing these products we have left the stickers on our OP-Z for extended periods of time, and we have swapped out dozens of stickers during product photography and testing.  During our tests we have not noticed any damage whatsoever to the OP-Z's original paint markings or plastic body, and any small amount of adhesive residue that may be left after removing the sticker has been easy to clean by rubbing it with fingers or with a soft rag and a small amount of Gamsol without harming the OP-Z.
  • The clear lamination on these stickers has a glossy finish.  This means that you may see some reflections from ambient light sources, and you may be able to see fingerprints at certain viewing angles, particularly on designs with dark or black areas.  Fingerprints are easily removed by gently rubbing with soft dry cloth. The lamination is adhesive-bonded to the printed image, however it is possible that the lamination may separate especially if the sticker is crinkled or pinched.  In spite of these possible issues, we believe the lamination improves the product by improving perceived contrast and color saturation while also providing a robust physical barrier to protect the printed image.
  • It is possible that you may be able to reuse these stickers if you are careful when removing them, however we do not explicitly claim that they are reusable. Removing the sticker may cause degradation to the original quality of the sticker overlay. If you intend to reuse these sticker overlays, please see the instructions for removal tips.
  • This is an aftermarket product. The product includes the adhesive overlay kit only and does not include a Teenage Engineering OPZ synthesizer. Oversynth is in no way affiliated with Teenage Engineering.  Teenage Engineering and OP-Z are trademarks of Teenage Engineering.
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