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  • Due to our small-batch processing, physical products are typically shipped within about 2-weeks of purchase

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"Rose" Overlay For Polyend Tracker Mini

Note:  These overlays are compatible with the Tracker Mini's version 2.0 Firmware.


This is an adhesive-backed overlay that you place over the front panel faceplate of your Polyend Tracker Mini synthesizer.


This design includes numerous 'cheat-sheet' notes with button and knob combinations to help with songwriting and live performance.

  • Shift functions are color coded and listed near the corresponding buttons as much as possible
  • Pattern Mode, Song Mode, and Perform Mode shortcuts are indicated with color-coded dots
  • Default assignments are shown for the Assignable Fuction Buttons
  • Effects are listed along with the shortcut letter/symbol used in Pattern Mode events
  • A list of MIDI Chord values is provided in a very small font in order to make it fit in limited space


The overlay is printed on a highly durable, waterproof, and chemical resistant vinyl sheet.  It is then laminated for durability and long life..


You may want to gently clean the front panel of your Tracker Mini with a soft cloth to remove dirt and lint before installing the overlay.  To install the overlay, simply pull off the backing from the reverse side of the overlay and place the overlay over the front panel of your synthesizer.


Our products are custom manufactured in small batches based on customer demand.  


This product is made in the USA and ships from Portland, Oregon.  International customers are responsible for paying all import duty and custom clearance fees for their country.


Note:  This is an aftermarket product.  This product includes the overlay only and does not include a Polyend Tracker Mini synthesizer.  Oversynth is in no way affiliated with Polyend.

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