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"Distorientation" Dark Ambient / SciFi Sound Pack for Modal Skulpt

This sound pack is a collection of 64 dark ambient / SciFi presets for your Modal Sculpt synthesizer.  Like an impossible memory of a dystopian future, these sounds are at once dirty, noisy, barely in tune, warm, harsh, dreamy, and nostalgic.  The patches in this sound pack will make your Skulpt sound like a modular synth that was dropped in a in radioactive saltwater ocean and forgotten about for a hundred of years (but in a good way).


    •    Add this product to your shopping cart, and follow the instructions for completing the purchase.
    •    After you have completed your purchase, a "Thank You" page will appear with a link for downloading a *.ZIP file containing the sound pack files.  In addition, you will also receive an email message with a link to the digital file.
    •    The link will be active for 30-days so please download the file during that time.
    •    Click on the link to download the *.ZIP file to your computer.
    •    Double-click on the *.ZIP file to decompress it to show the folders and sound files



Installation instructions are provided in a text file as part of the product download.  In order to use these sounds you will need the following:



This sound pack is copyright (C) 2021 Oversynth LLC.  We do not allow other people to sell the included sound files as a sound pack.  You are however free to use any sounds or sequences from this sound pack in your own compositions for personal or commercial use.


Note:  “Modal”, "Skulpt", and "Craft Synth 2.0" are trademarks of Modal Electronics.  Oversynth is in no way affiliated with Modal Electronics.

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